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Contact Zone for ACT! 2.0.25

Contact Zone for ACT! 2.0.25

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Contact Zone for ACT! Publisher's Description


Verify and correct US & Canadian addresses and phone numbers, provide complete address hygiene, standardization, add CASS-certified ZIP+4 or Canadian postal codes.

Verify addresses & phones at point-of-entry or in batch.

Always work in real time, even in batch mode.

Get the most accurate and current address & phone & geo-demographic data avaliable, using the best web services of Melissa Data Corp.

   It's easy, fast and powerful.
With Contact Zone for ACT! you can perform all of the following tasks at once, with JUST ONE click:
Verify and correct US & Canadian addresses/ phone numbers at the point of entry or in batch. Calculate the distance from your business address to the the verified address in USA. Standardize the entire address, correct spellings, abbreviations, city names to meet USPS guidelines. Get the US address & phone time zones. Calculate the current local time in the user’s and customer's time zones.

Add ZIP+4 and Canadian postal codes.

Get the type of the address, add carrier route and delivery point codes. Get the latest US phone area code changes. Indicate the gender of the first name, catch vulgar words. Identify address & phone information that does not match. Add valuable geographic and demographic codes: county, Census block, Census track and more. Get the city and state of the US phone numbers.

Save the verification status of the data.

Calculate the distance between the phone and the address location in USA.     http:\
Copyright© 2003 e-ConwareUSA.
All rights reserved. Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Contact Zone™ is a trademark of Melissa Data Corporation.

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